My mother and I have a close bond when it comes to prayer.
What I am today, I owe it to my beautiful mother. Not to mention, to my sweet Jesus and the intercession of our most blessed Mother.
Before I go on further, I want to clarify that this free binding and loosing prayer printable is not just a Catholic prayer, but it is a prayer for all Christians if they choose to believe in Jesus and in the power of binding ourselves to Him.
My mother has shared this prayer with me almost 2 years ago when I was going through a hard time during the Covid lockdown and just being spiritually oppressed. I think at that time, Gianna was going through a minor surgery on her vocal chords and my son, Samuel had hurt himself and was bleeding from the head. One thing just kept happening after the other.
I was also spiritually dry. I couldn’t pray, I was stressed out at home with the kids, I felt restless and just wanted to be safe and get back the peace I was longing for.
One thing to know about my mom, is that she is a prayer warrior. She spends a lot of time in prayer and sacrifices her time for others and is one of the strongest and most generous people I know. She is an amazing woman and I’m blessed to call her my mom.
The miracles, healings and blessings that I have experienced growing up in our family was, I believe because of my mother’s prayers to Jesus and devotion to our blessed Mother. My mother also used to be active in the charismatic meetings 20 years ago and was involved in the healing ministry group in our church. As a result, she obtained this prayer through this ministry and introduced it to me.
So if there’s any prayer that she recommends, you bet, I’m gonna pray it.
What is the Binding and Loosing Prayer?

These binding and loosing prayers were often used in the charismatic meetings as well as, in the healing and deliverance ministries. These prayers are still as alive today as it was 20 years ago. I’m also trying to keep it alive through this blog because I believe that everyone needs to bind themselves to Christ and to loose everything that is not of Him.
The prayer starts by essentially asking in the name of Jesus, to bind ourselves to Christ; our minds, bodies, hearts, emotions, our will and our every being to Christ. The prayer then continues by asking Him to loose all strongholds that’s affecting our lives; every deception, pain, fear, anxiety, to close any doors which you might have opened to the world of darkness (the occult, black magic, Ouija board etc). And to loose wrong pattern of thinking, behavior, habit and thoughts that has been plaguing your very being.
This is one of the most powerful and comprehensive prayers I’ve come across. The effect is immediate especially when you are praying over your life. There’s power in words. And the words in this prayer are POWERFUL.
Why Do You Need This Prayer In Your Life
I don’t know about you. But in this day and age, I have come to learn that people have been openly embracing paganism. And because of that, Satan has been showing up more visibly in our media, society and in our families. He’s not in hiding any longer because people are openly embracing his practices. This gives him permission to show more of himself in our world today.
People are proudly introducing themselves as witches and wizards (quite shocking I know). They are also meddling themselves in the occult, playing tarrot cards and Ouija boards, like it’s a playful game to them. They seek divination from fortune tellers, seeking future events or discovering hidden knowledge by the aid of “supernatural powers”, practicing Reiki etc. The list does not stop there. I could continue on with the list, but you get my point.
What you are really inviting into your life
If you should know, that this aid of “supernatural powers” is NOT from God. I shudder at the thought of it all. And what you may or may not know, is when you practice all the above, you are opening up yourselves to the demonic. You are giving permission to the prince of darkness to invade your life. You’re inviting “spirit guides” (as they call it) aka as demons not only into your life, but into the lives of your family members.
Not only have I heard about it, but I have personally experienced it myself. This was due to the practice of one of my family members many, many years ago (a story for another day).
Why you are drawn to these practices
People are drawn to these practices. Why? Because these practices do not rely on God. They rely on themselves. In the New Age movement, you only need YOU to succeed. They refer themselves as “God”. I am my own God. I am the captain of my ship. I only need myself to succeed. I do not need anyone but myself.
This is a form of pride. No, it IS pride.
It takes humility
It takes humility to follow Christ. It takes humility to depend on Him. It takes obedience, faith and plain guts to speak about Him. Simple fact – it is NOT easy to be a Christian.
I know I may be ridiculed, insulted, persecuted and shun because of this blog post. But as a believer, I cannot just sit and accept everything that’s going on around me. This issue of the occult continues to show up in my face, front, left and centre. And I cannot continue to keep quiet because I feel that God is calling me to speak up about it.
Fortunately, this is one topic I am most passionate about. It is because I have experienced the demonic. I have experienced his oppression – mentally, physically, spiritually and financially. I’ve had nightmares and experienced sleep paralysis. My body is conscious but I was unable to move and I also felt pressure, like someone was choking me. I know what it is like to live in darkness with a dark cloud over my head. My faith was tested again and again.
Choose Christ
Since accepting His call to follow Him, to be a true Christian in the Catholic faith – I’ve been free of nightmares and sleep paralysis. Praise be to God! He continues to give me a peace and joy that the world cannot give. His love, peace and joy is everlasting. His love endures forever. He is generous, faithful and keeps His promises! What a God we serve!
His calling for me now is to educate my readers about the misconceptions about the Catholic faith, what it means to follow Christ and the lies and deception of the Evil one.
If you choose to follow the prince of darkness, yes, he will fulfil your promises – temporarily. But eventually, what ends up happening is, he will take from you MORE than he gives. That’s what he does. He is the father of lies and deception. He will reign you in with his promises. Promises to give you everything. Then once he gets you sucked in, he will start demanding more and more from you. Satan wants to conquer your soul and make it his and eventually bring you to eternal damnation. There’s no real peace or joy. Just empty promises and deception. Don’t be fooled by him.
Educate yourself
There is a lot of horror movies about the demonic. There are SO many movies which will be coming out this year about it. One is the Pope’s Exorcist by Russel Crowe, I don’t recommend it at all. It is overly dramaticized and it is not the true nature of Evil. It’s just Hollywood trying to put some scary visuals and scare your socks off.
But if you really want to learn about the true nature of the demonic, watch the new movie called Nefarious. It will leave you thinking a lot about your own life and may even leave you feeling disturbed even. I was told there was no scary visuals, no profanity but what you will learn is the mind of the Evil one and how he thinks.
This is very much like the book – The Screwtape Letters but better. I heard a LOT of raving reviews about it. I wish I could watch it but it is not available in New Zealand yet. But I will as soon as it comes out here.
Listen to a real exorcist experience with the demonic
Or if you’re like me and can’t watch Nefarious, then I recommend Father Carlos Martins’s podcast. Fr Carlos is a real exorcist and shares his real life experience through his podcast, called the Exorcist Files. I started hearing it yesterday and I almost got nightmares. The stories, with its intriguing sound effects will bring you shivers and make the ends of your hair stand up.
His stories are in real 3D like binaural audio experience. It really is one of its kind. It has just been released January of this year and people are raving about it. So I highly, highly recommend Father Carlos’s podcast. I’m hearing it on Spotify – it’s really good!
Father Carlos also gives several talks around the US. I’ve just finished watching this talk on YouTube and I’m learning a lot from this talk as well. Feel free to watch it and let me know what you think.
How to Pray the Binding and Loosing Prayer
- You can start by praying for yourself every day. You can make it as a morning prayer before you start your day or an evening prayer before bedtime.
- If you’re suffering from depression, or constant nightmares, then make it a habit to pray this prayer before bedtime.
- You can even use this prayer to pray over your child or spouse or a family member. My mom does this over my brother. Just switch the words “my” to the person’s name or “myself” to himself or herself.
Why I Redesigned the Prayer
Here is the original prayer below. But the original prayer has a LOT of the same repetition of the same thing. So I combined certain words together and made it less repetitive. Plus, my mother didn’t have the soft copy of the prayer as it was a copy from her healing ministry 20 years ago.

As you can see above, my mom’s original prayer was yellow, brown and a little torn. It became a little worn out from praying the prayer everyday. So I decided to type out the prayer word for word, made it less repetitive and give it a fresh new look! I wanted to pray it for myself and decided to prettify it in the process.
Then I sent it back to my mom and family to pray and share it with their families and friends. Life has a funny way of reminding me about this prayer. And although it took me almost two years to give it to you, it is better late than never.

The Binding and Loosing Prayer
And I am more than happy to share this prayer with you today!
The prayer goes like this:
In the name of Jesus, I bind my will to God’s will which produces an incredible steadiness in my spiritual walk with the Lord. In the name of Jesus, I bind my mind to the mind of Christ. In the name of Jesus, I bind my emotions to the Spirit of Life who is the Holy Spirit. In the name of Jesus, I bind myself to the authority and power of God. In the name of Jesus, I bind myself to the truth which is the Word of God. In the name of Jesus, I bind myself to an awareness of the blood of Jesus Christ. In the name of Jesus, I bind myself to the working of the cross of Jesus at Calvary because there is where I receive mercy, grace, forgiveness, love, power and authority into my life. In the name of Jesus, I bind my feet to the path that God has ordained for me to walk. In the name of Jesus, I bind my hands to the work God has meant for me to do, so that I will prosper in His will and kingdom. In the name of Jesus, I bind myself to God’s grace, mercy and favour, His love and peace. In the name of Jesus, I bind myself to the cross of Jesus at Calvary and I carry my cross daily. In the name of Jesus, I bind my heart to the Sacred Heart of Jesus which is full of love, mercy and compassion. In the name of Jesus, I bind my flesh to the crucified flesh of Christ at Calvary and subject the desires of my flesh to the Holy Spirit. In the name of Jesus, I loose the strongholds protecting the source or the reason for my _________________ (e.g. anger, rebelliousness, disobedience, unforgiveness, drinking, smoking, bad habits etc.) In the name of Jesus, I loose all strongholds and wrong agreements and I close any and ALL doors which I might have opened to the world of darkness. In the name of Jesus, I loose the effect of word curses spoken by me, to me, for me or by any other person. In the name of Jesus, I loose wrong pattern of thinking, behaviour, habits, and I reject old thought patterns, old memory tapes, wrong beliefs, wrong attitudes, wrong prophecies from every and ALL ungodly soulish ties, while binding my mind, will and emotions to God’s greater purpose. In the name of Jesus, I loose myself from every deception, pain, fear, anxiety and I bind myself and my timing to God’s timing. In the name of Jesus, I loose myself from strongholds, stripping layer over layer to all my unmet needs, unhealed hurts and unresolved issues and I bind myself to the working of the Holy Spirit in my life. In the name of Jesus, I bind myself to the will of God and His truth. Amen. |
Download Your Free Binding and Loosing Prayer Printable
Here’s the free binding and loosing prayer printable which you can print, laminate and pray it every day. Although it doesn’t really matter what prayers you choose to pray, it’s important to set some time aside for prayer in your life. Build a habit of praying, which will help you in turn, build a closer relationship with God.
So download the Free Binding and Loosing Prayer below and start praying today.
If you want it in A4 size, click here.
If you like this prayer printable, you’ll love this Novena of Surrender prayer too.
For other lovely prayer printables for your family, click here.
Do you want to strengthen your faith in Christ, to grow closer to Him in your heart, body, mind and soul? But you feel like you’re unable to do it? You feel like there’s a barrier in your life, as though someone is standing in the way of your walk in Christ and you feel oppressed in every way, shape or form.
Then I encourage you to pray this prayer today. You will experience the power of Christ and He will break any strongholds in your life that is preventing you to grow closer to Him. And you will find that peace you’re finally searching for; which is in Christ Jesus.
Pray today and let me know in the comments below, how this prayer have changed your life today.

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