Mother’s Day is just around the corner and I have something lovely for you to give to your mom.
If you are usually a last minute kinda person (I know I am like that sometimes) and have yet to prepare something for your mom, here’s a free double-sided card to do-it-yourself at home.
Free Printable Mother’s Day Card

Brave, Fearless, Strong
I know that not all moms are necessarily brave, fearless, and strong. Every individual, including moms, has their own unique strengths and weaknesses. However, there are certainly many moms who have these qualities, and there are a few reasons why this may be the case:
- Motherhood requires a great deal of sacrifice, bravery and strength. Raising a child involves a lot of responsibility and can be incredibly challenging, both emotionally and physically. Moms may need to make tough decisions, care for their children, and provide support through difficult times.
- Society often places a lot of pressure on moms to be strong and capable. Women have historically been expected to take care of the home and children, and this expectation can lead to moms feeling like they need to be extra resilient and competent in order to succeed.
- Moms are usually motivated by their love for their children. Many moms will do anything to protect and care for their children, which can require immense bravery and strength in the face of adversity.
Of course, every mom is unique and has her own reasons for being brave, fearless, and strong. Nonetheless, it’s important to appreciate and acknowledge the hard work and sacrifices that moms make every day, regardless of their individual strengths and weaknesses.
On this note, isn’t it nice to tell your mom how awesome she really is and to show your love and appreciation to her on this special day? And what better than than to take advantage of this free printable Mother’s Day card for you to make at home and give it to your mom on Mother’s Day ๐
What to Do
Just Print and Cut! There will be cropped marks are all ready for you as well.
This is a double sided card, so you may need to print out your card on both sides. Because there are variations of printer settings, it is best to test out your printing on a piece of paper first before loading the actual stock card.
Only print on your stock card when you’re confident that it will print correctly.
Here’s How to Print:
- Open the PDF file
- Click on the Print icon or hit CTRL+P
- Go to the page setup and choose your preferred paper size and click OK.
- Make sure the stock card is already loaded into your printer first.
- Then select “Fit” or “Fit to size”
- Click Print.
- Do the same on the other side of the card. Test on a piece of paper first if you’re not sure.
- Use the cropped marks as a guide to trim the edges of the card.
- Then write your message and give it your Mom!
Tip: Choose a good quality textured A4 or US letter card stock. We recommend using a high quality stock card – 210 gsm. You will be pleasantly surprised with the results. It will not only look professional but it will also look and feel amazing!
Enjoy DIY-ing!
Love this Quote?
If you love this mommy quote, you will love these 25 Quotes for Moms as well.

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Printables, design elements, graphics and any digital products provided on this site are for personal use only. You may NOT modify them or redistribute them for free or monetary gain without the written agreement from the author, Janice Banks. You may share these with your classes or co-workers (educators/teachers/tutors) as long as they are not modified in any way. Please share the link to the blog post if you want to share these digital resources with others.
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